Unit 4 Digital Impacts - Topic 3: Prototype digital data exchanges
In this topic, students will:
- Synthesise information and ideas to determine prototype components of data exchange solutions
- use a suitable programming environment to
- implement algorithms using modularisation
- receive data from an external source, and process and display the data in an appropriate format
- incorporate existing code libraries (where applicable)
- develop simple Caesar, Polyaphabetic (e.g. Vignere and Gronsfeld), and one-time pad encryption algorithms
- generate
- a well-ordered and unambiguous algorithm to solve defined problems using pseudocode
- a prototype digital solution that uses appropriate data structures including JSON or XML, to exchange data
- manipulate data from an external source
- generate data structures using
- SQL CREATE, DROP and ALTER statements
- SQL SELECT query, including WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, sub-selection and inner-joins clauses
- generate within programmed methods
- sequence
- selection, i.e. use of single and nested, simple or compound conditions
- iterations, including nesting or simple or compound conditions
- use of code-specific arithmetic comparison and logical operators, including real division, integer division, modulus
- use of data types, error-checking functions and conversions
- use of structures, including one-dimensional collections, e.g. arrays and lists
- evaluate by desk checking algorithms to predict the output for a given input, identify errors and validate algorithms
- evaluate
- security impacts of data and its use, dissemination, storage, accuracy and ownership on personal, social and economic needs
- the solution against prescribed and self-determined criteria
- solutions by testing to refine their accuracy, reliability, maintainability, efficiency, effectiveness and useability
- and make justified recommendations related to the security impacts of digital solutions, taking into consideration changes in interactivity and ways information and data are created, used and shared.